The Privilege-Privilege

Cat: Todays lesson will cover privileges, using a privilege I as a white cis-cat have myself. But before we begin, please find my paypal address in my twitter profile. Cat: For a long time, I didn't know that the word CIS even exists. I never had to call myself cis, because it is the socially accepted norm. This is a privilege. Cat: Part of this privilege is that I don't have to think about which public restroom I can use. Likewise part of this privilege is that I don't have to think about others having this privilege. Dog: There is a I-don't-have-to-think-about-the-toilet-privilege privilege? Cat: It sounds silly when you say it like that.

Cat: Todays lesson will cover privileges, using a privilege I as a white cis-cat have myself.
But before we begin, please find my paypal address in my twitter profile.
Cat: For a long time, I didn’t know that the word CIS even exists. I never had to call myself cis, because it is the socially accepted norm. This is a privilege.
Cat: Part of this privilege is that I don’t have to think about which public restroom I can use. Likewise part of this privilege is that I don’t have to think about others having this privilege.
Dog: There is a I-don’t-have-to-think-about-the-toilet-privilege privilege?
Cat: It sounds silly when you say it like that.

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